Thursday, November 25, 2021




Many families will gather around a table today with a feast set before them and “the always told” stories being told once again. There may even be a smaller table off to the side where the kids are seated hiding vegetables in napkins. Some new guests may have their first chair at the table or there may be a newly empty chair.

Whatever your table looks like this year, may you blessed with love and gratitude.

I’d like to take a moment on this day of thanks to recognize the important role a simple table has played for me this year. Because without fully understanding why— there were a few I was not allowed to sit at.

I’m incredibly blessed for those friends and loved ones who:

🍁 Sat their phone down with me on FaceTime as we played long distance Uno on the kitchen table
🍁 Sat next to me at a table lined with computers despite whispers of sitting “with her” coming from behind
🍁 Sat at the burger joint table as I drank a lot of water with a headache and told me “it’s ok to be upset but maybe we try a different approach to handle it next time.”
🍁 Sat at the Sunday brunch table with me laughing at the lack of avocados on their special day to shine upon toast
🍁 Sat at a small round table eating Paul’s and answering a million questions about the new Book I’m reading that’s life changing
🍁 Sat at the pizza place table ordering two large pizzas and then asking what I was eating as I just rolled my eyes even though you just left Parkland
🍁 Sat at the Sunday Dinner table when it was complete with family visiting from the Northeast and family returning from the Middle East
🍁 Sat on top of the table and on the benches beside it with me to color pictures and write letters as many times as the paper would allow
🍁 Sat around a small coffee table as “The Breakfast Club” using voices rarely heard but with something to say
🍁 Sat at a small intimidating table across from a larger table in a windowless room answering questions, for hours on end, to stand on the right side of wrong.
🍁 Sat at the corner table in the bar on August 26th and let me sit down next to you as you tried to be a Marine and a human at the same time.
🍁 Sat at the conference room table and told me no matter what had to be done— we’re in this together— and we’ll honor the 20th anniversary with everything we have to give.

Thank you for sitting at the table with me. πŸ’›


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I was told I could never be a mother. If you scroll through these posts you will find the entry I wrote when I found this out from my doctor...