Sunday, November 14, 2021

“A Catholic Reading the Bible One Chapter at a Time”…. A Field Trip.


On today’s edition of “A Catholic Reading the Bible One Chapter at a Time”…. A Field Trip. 🚗
Today— for the first time in close to more years than I can count— I went to church. Not “church” because of a funeral or wedding. Not “church” because I was visiting and it was expected of the guest to attend. I went to: Church. ⛪️
But I didn’t go to Mass.

Flanked by some of the most amazing humans I’ve ever been blessed to know and call “my friends”… we walked towards the building.

I said under my breath, “Hey God. It’s Kristen here. If this isn’t where I’m supposed to be going or what you want me to be doing, just give me a sign to turn around. I’ll turn around and say this doesn’t feel right.”

The sign in front of the church entrance door read, “Pumpkin Spice Lattes and Breakfast Tacos inside!” 🎃☕️🌮

So I looked up and said, “Well played. You didn’t have to bribe me to come inside! But that’s a good start.” 🙂

And I went to church. It was unlike any service I had been to before (Baptisms are full-on pinch your nose, get some goggles and get submerged in a pool!). But what was more special to me… was that we opened our Bibles and we read them along with the Pastor. Stickie notes and margin scribblings… I listened and learned. I almost wanted more time there.

When the service ended, I realized that I was crying. I was crying from the message. I was crying because I realized these beautiful humans drove to Fort Worth to let me experience church with them and not alone. I was crying because I didn’t “mess up” or forget words in a recitation. I didn’t feel like I wasn’t supposed to be there. I didn’t feel judgement. I didn’t feel guilt.

I was crying because I felt loved. ☺️

I don’t think that has ever happened before… and it was incredibly beautiful.

To the amazing humans who went with me and have been so crucial to this journey I’m on: thank you. I strive to have your faith and strength one day. (And you held your promises of no 🐔s or 🐍s!) I’m grateful for you 💛

I was a little too nervous today to grab one of those pumpkin spice lattes… I guess I’ll try one next Sunday. 🙂

“Fear is no good reason to believe in anything. I've tried and I've tried to know everything for sure. But I find I know less as I come to know You more. You're not who I thought You were…Praise the Lord.” 💛

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